Paul Revere Lantern (358) - Georgia IE

YES Richard, we need to help elect Herschel Walker in the Georgia Senate runoff election on December 6th.

A candidate like Warnock that does not denounce Marxism and describes Marxism as useful, praises Fidel Castro, and votes for abortion right up to the moment of birth is too radical for Georgia and the American people to serve in the U.S. Senate.

Below is my special donation to help FedUp PAC elect Herschel Walker by activating millions of conservatives to help educate voters in Georgia that Senator Raphael Warnock is a radical, far Left, socialist/Marxists of:

With a gift of $20 you will receive a copy of my new book GO BIG that shares over​ 50 years of my marketing “Secrets” on how conservatives can win with bigger and MORE: Organizations, Donors, Money.

  • For a gift of $20 you will receive a paperback copy.
  • For a gift of $30 or more you will receive a hardback copy. (Shipping and Handling are included.)
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