2021 Conservative Activist Survey (WSA4)

2021 Conservative Activist Survey


REMEMBER:  There are no “right” or “wrong” answers.  Please answer all survey questions to the best of your ability and knowledge, even if you are uncertain or undecided.  FedUp PAC will tabulate the results and hopes to put its plan into action with your participation.  

Only with nationwide participation from conservatives like you can FedUp PAC build a grassroots army of TWO MILLION Conservative Paul Revere Riders (or “CPR Riders” for short) and connect them with the One Hundred Million Americans the CPR Riders will educate and persuade.  So, at the end of the survey, please be sure to indicate your willingness to sign up as a CPR Rider, to help FedUp PAC finish building the grassroots army that will SMASH through Big Tech/Big Media to SMASH the Left and save America.


3) To help FedUp PAC better understand which grassroots activities are likely to be most appealing to our CPR Riders, please mark next to each of the following grassroots activities, to indicate your own current level of participation or interest as a grassroots conservative.

Grassroots Activities That FedUp PAC May Ask Its CPR Riders to Do:

*If you answered YES to Question 7, above, you’re exactly the kind of person FedUp PAC is seeking to become a CPR Rider — congratulations!  Please provide your e-mail address and phone number where FedUp PAC can contact you with more information: