FedUp Postcard
FedUp Postcard

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Dear Lillian

My name is Richard Viguerie. I have been at the forefront of American politics for 55 years now... and I have something VERY important to tell you today.

It's about Hillary Clinton . . .

. . . and what I have to tell you about her today will truly shock you as an American and a Christian.

Yes, I know you have heard all there is to hear about Hillary Clinton's scandals, lies, crooked deals, and dishonesty.

I know you have concerns about Donald Trump.

And, I know you are still undecided in the race for president.

But did you know that

  • Hillary Clinton believes critics of radical Islam should be "shamed" into keeping silent;
  • Hillary Clinton believes that "religious beliefs... must be changed" to expand abortions in the U.S. and around the world;
  • Hillary Clinton believes we need a 550% increase in Syrian refugees settling in the U.S; and
  • Hillary Clinton believes you are under taxed and has bragged that, if elected, "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."

What does all this mean for you and other Christian Americans?

It means that if you vote for Hillary on November 8th you will be voting to further suppress YOUR OWN religious liberty . . .

. . . you will be voting FOR the censorship and even criminalization of ANY criticism of Islam,

. . .you will be voting FOR a flood of Muslim refugees in YOUR own hometown,

. . . and you will be voting FOR less money for YOU and YOUR family!

That's what's at stake in this year's presidential election.

That's what the results of this election will mean for you.

And that's why you cannot vote for Hillary Clinton.

If you want less government and more liberty, common sense measures against radical Islam, a temporary ban on further refugees from Syria and Islamic states, and more money for YOU and YOUR family . . .

. . . then the choice is clear and simple.


Yours in liberty under God's laws,
Richard A. Viguerie

P.S. Plain and simple, Hillary Clinton's election could also lead to the "Islamification" of the United States where waves of Islamic refugees pour into our neighborhoods and towns demanding Sharia over our laws and values.
THAT'S what's at stake for Christians in this election . . . THAT'S  what's at stake for our children and grandchildren . . . THAT'S what's at stake for our liberty . . .

. . . and THAT'S why you MUST vote Donald Trump for president on November 8th!