Montana Senator Jon Tester has compiled the most anti-Trump record of any Democrat from a state that voted solidly for Trump. Having won his two previous elections with only 49% of the vote, he should be one of the most endangered Democrats of 2018.
Instead, Tester will probably be reelected unless the Republican candidate, state auditor Matt Rosendale, makes the race a referendum on the national issues that caused Montana voters to give Trump a margin of almost 20% over Hillary Clinton just two years ago.
Tester is once again campaigning as a Montana “good old boy,” boasting of his deep roots in the state, claiming to be a supporter of rural America and small business. His campaign website even tries to give the impression that he and President Trump are working closely together in Washington. This phony image of moderation has worked for him before, and it is working again, with polling showing Tester about six points ahead of Rosendale.
The facts are that Tester has defied the wishes of Montana voters, trying to block Trump at every turn. He has voted with the President only 37% of the time, putting him only slightly ahead of the two liberal senators from reliably Democratic Delaware, and well behind Democrats Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly, and Heidi Heitkamp.
Tester was a reliable vote for the left-wing Democrats when it came to opposing Trump’s tax cut and protecting ObamaCare from repeal. He voted with the Democrats and against Trump on immigration. He even voted to shut down the Federal government in an attempt to force the President to give amnesty to many illegal aliens.
When more moderate Democrats gave Trump much-needed support for his nominees, Tester chose to join with leftist Democrats in opposition. He voted against putting Neil Gorsuch on the Supreme Court, against making Gina Haspel CIA director, and against six of Trump’s cabinet appointments. He is generally expected to vote against Brett Kavanaugh. That’s a record that would please California voters, but should outrage the Montanans who want President Trump empowered to drain the swamp.
Tester’s most unforgiveable action came when Trump nominated Rear Admiral Ronny Jackson to head the Department of Veterans Affairs. Tester released to the press unverified accusations (later found to be lacking proof) that led to a massive fake-news attack on Adm. Jackson, followed by his withdrawal. Tester showed no remorse for ruining a man’s reputation to gain some short-term political advantage.
Six more years of Tester means that he would be around to fight Trump right up to the end of Trump’s second term. And right now, the polls show voters are still buying his “good old boy,” friend-of-President-Trump campaign.
The only way to defeat Tester is to make sure Montana voters know that he is an extreme left-wing opponent of President Trump.
That’s what FedUp PAC intends to do.
FedUp PAC’s goal for 2018 is to maintain and expand the GOP majorities in Congress to support President Trump and his conservative-populist agenda. Montana is one of the states that should send a new, pro-Trump, senator to Washington next year.
FedUp PAC wants to make sure that voters, especially in key states such as Montana, know what it means for them if Democrats are back in control of the Congress next year.
Just two years ago FedUp PAC set out to warn voters how they would suffer if Hillary Clinton were elected President. We targeted states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, Michigan, North Carolina, and Wisconsin. That effort helped swing them into line for Donald Trump while also helping elect senators in Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Wisconsin.
We can do it again in 2018. We can make sure voters know why they must keep Republicans in control of the Congress and add to the Senate majority by electing candidates such as Matt Rosendale.
But to win, FedUp PAC must have your help.
We know how to use the latest technology to target the voters who will swing the elections. This program of voter contact by email, FaceBook, etc. is relatively cheap, and highly cost-effective (especially compared to expensive TV spots seen mostly by non-voters and confirmed liberals), but it is not free.
That is why your donation of $25, $100, $500 or more to FedUp PAC is needed today – because with polls showing what could be an across-the-board Democratic triumph, even in some deep-red states, there is not a day to waste.
FedUp PAC is already planning what needs to be done to protect Republican control of Congress. Those plans can move forward as soon as we have the funds to proceed. Montana deserves to be one of our targeted states.
With your help, we can make 2018 a year that moves us further toward Making American Great Again. Without it, FedUp PAC will be sitting on the sidelines, unable to help.
So please, send your best donation of $25, $100, $500 or whatever you can afford.
Let’s send Jon Tester packing in 2018!