Conservatives won the first of many battles over 2017 spending as they blocked passage of a budget resolution that would have exceeded the spending limits of the 2011 budget compromise. Conservatives, especially those belonging to the House Freedom Caucus, objected to the House leadership plan to add $30 billion in spending to what is already a rapidly increasing deficit.
Following the 2011 deficit reduction agreement, the deficit declined from $1.3 trillion to $438 billion. However, it is already growing again this year and is expected to reach $552 billion in 2021. Conservatives have recognized the need for additional deficit reduction, but there is bipartisan support among congressional leaders to go with more spending and larger deficits.
The focus now shifts to the twelve individual appropriations bills which could begin reaching the House floor as early as May 15. Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers has been outspokenly in favor of spending the extra $30 billion, so conservatives will be closely watching the total amount in each bill. Defense-related appropriations are often considered early in the process, leaving debates over domestic spending until later.
The debate over spending is expected to be the dominant issue in this session of Congress. The presidential election will reinforce that, as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders make the case for a much larger and more expensive Federal government while Donald Trump and Ted Cruz present their plans for cutting back on government’s size and power.
We expect this fight to continue right up until Congress adjourns prior to the elections – and very possibly into a lame duck session. Every conservative needs to stay in touch with his representative and senators, telling them to vote for deficit reduction. You can also help by filling out the Put the Lid on Spending Poll. FedUp PAC will send the poll results to key members of Congress so that they will know Americans are demanding restraint on Federal spending.
Please take this chance to fill out the Put the Lid on Spending Poll and let us know where you stand.