Donald Trump may suffer major defections from conservatives if he is the Republican nominee according to a poll by FedUp PAC. Only 66% of conservatives say they would vote for Trump in November, while 18% would not and 16% are undecided.
Conservative defections may explain why Trump usually runs behind other Republican candidates when matched against Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. By an overwhelming 85% to 12%, conservatives agreed that Trump needs to take positions that will win him support from the right.
The poll shows sharp divisions among conservatives in the way they see Trump. A majority of 53% are concerned that he would appoint Supreme Court justices who would be more liberal than Antonin Scalia, while 44% trust him to make conservative appointments.
Trump’s praise of ObamaCare’s individual mandate causes more worry, with conservatives agreeing by 66% - 26% that this is a problem.
Trump’s “New York values” cause an almost even division. Those who are concerned with how those values would affect his presidency have a 50% to 47% edge over those who are not. Concern over Trump’s divorces and public boasting of adultery show a slightly more negative split of 54-45%. His use of profanity is defended by 34% and found unsuitable for a president by 56%.
However, when it came to Trump’s overall temperament, 51% found it acceptable.
FedUp PAC is a grass roots organization that wants constitutional conservatives to take over the GOP because Americans are fed up with the Republican establishment. It is not affiliated with any candidate or committee.