by S. Noble • August 22, 2016
Emails now show that access to State was indeed available to deep-pocketed donors who gave large donations to the Clinton Foundation. State Department employees acted as conduits between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department.
If it wasn’t for Judicial Watch and their FOIA requests and lawsuits, we wouldn’t know anything. There is no investigative reporting coming from the corrupt mainstream.
Judicial Watch released 725 new emails Monday.
The emails – known as the Band-Abedin emails – showed that donors to the Clinton Foundation were sold access at the State Department.
The Abedin emails reveal that the longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin was a conduit between Clinton Foundation donors and Hillary Clinton while Clinton served as secretary of state.
In more than a dozen email exchanges, Abedin provided expedited, direct access to Clinton for donors who had contributed from $25,000 to $10 million to the Clinton Foundation. In many instances, Clinton Foundation top executive Doug Band, who worked with the Foundation throughout Hillary Clinton’s tenure at State, coordinated closely with Abedin.
In one of the emails, Douglas Band, an executive at the Clinton Foundation, appeared to bypass normal State Department channels to request a meeting for Crown Prince Salman of Bahrain.
“Good friend of ours,” he wrote Huma Abedin, a top Clinton aide.
The meeting did take place.
According to the Clinton Foundation website, in 2005, Salman committed to establishing the Crown Prince’s International Scholarship Program (CPISP) for the Clinton Global Initiative. And by 2010, it had contributed $32 million to CGI. The Kingdom of Bahrain reportedly gave between $50,000 and $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation. And Bahrain Petroleum also gave an additional $25,000 to $50,000.
Another email exchange showed Band attempting to assist Casey Wasserman, president of the Wasserman Foundation and a top Clinton Foundation donor, with getting a visa for a person having trouble because of a “criminal charge.”
Band was acting at the behest of Casey Wasserman, a millionaire Hollywood sports entertainment executive and President of the Wasserman Foundation. Wasserman has donated between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation through the Wasserman Foundation.
Abedin wrote to Band that getting involved in the matter “makes me nervous.” Band then advised her not to.
The Abedin emails also reveal that Slimfast tycoon S. Daniel Abraham was granted almost immediate access to then-Secretary of State Clinton, with Abedin serving as the facilitator. According to the Clinton Foundation website, Abraham, like the Wasserman Foundation, has given between $5 million and $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
The State Department spokesperson Mark Toner admitted Monday that the Clinton Foundation COO Laura Graham left 150 Cheryl Mills messages in response to a question from Fox news reporter James Rosen. Toner said the calls might have been to discuss the 2011 earthquake.
John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chairman and a George Soros comrade, dismissed the allegations in a campaign statement on Monday afternoon and said that voters did not need to fear a conflict of interest if Clinton were to become president.
“The Foundation has already laid out the unprecedented steps the charity will take if Hillary Clinton becomes president,” he said.
Podesta tried to divert attention and said Trump should “come clean with voters about his complex network of for-profit businesses that are hundreds of millions of dollars in debt to big banks” and demanded he “release his tax returns.”
The FBI found another nearly 15,000 emails Hillary did not acknowledge and which are being reviewed. She hasn’t released all her 33,000 emails and these newly acknowledged 15,000 emails, or her quarter million dollar speeches to Wall Street.
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