Conservatives expect most Americans to ignore calls for extreme “resistance” to Donald Trump and to make no objection to his exercise of the full powers of the presidency, according to a poll by FedUp PAC. A peaceful transition of power is expected by 93%.
A left-wing group operating as RefuseFascism.org, and including actors Ed Asner and Rosie O’Donnell, former terrorist Bill Ayers, and Professor Cornel West, called on Americans to rise up and prevent Donald Trump from governing the United States. Having lost the election, these celebrities insisted that liberal Americans must go “outside normal channels” to allegedly save America from fascism.
Many protests are scheduled for the weekend of the inauguration, but there is no sign any significant number of people are inclined to violent resistance. Instead, following the lead of Rep. John Lewis (D-GA) and the liberal media, most are trying to undermine the legitimacy of Trumps presidency, hoping to make him weak and ineffective.
FedUp PAC is a grass roots organization that wants constitutional conservatives to take over the GOP because Americans are fed up with the Republican establishment. It is not affiliated with any candidate or committee.