This Beltway insider is in charge of hiring for the Trump administration

CHQ StaffThis Beltway insider is in charge of hiring for the Trump administration

"When John Boehner’s Chief of Staff Barry Jackson made his move to the private sector he joked, “It’s sort of like ‘Hotel California… A member of Boehnerland is never allowed to leave.”

And as far as we can tell by who is getting appointed to top jobs in the Trump administration Johnny DeStefano hasn’t left Boehnerland.

Johnny DeStefano’s job as Director of White House Personnel isn’t to hire Trump’s loyal outsiders or check the SAT scores of potential hires to make sure the top applicants get the jobs, it isn’t to vet them for their security clearances or potential conflicts of interest – it is to funnel Capitol Hill staffers loyal to the congressional Republican establishment into key jobs in the executive branch, and so far he’s been doing a great job at that."

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