Conservatives expect President Trump to be fully vindicated by the investigation of special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a poll by FedUp PAC.
Mueller will find no evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, say 98% of those answering the poll, while only 1% think the investigation will turn up some connection.
Trump and those around him have been the victims of an unprecedented flood of leaked documents from the intelligence community over the past six months, but nothing has been found to show that anyone in the Trump campaign did anything wrong or illegal. Even the recent testimony of former CIA director John Brennan merely said that Russians were, as usual, seeking contact with Americans and he recommended that the FBI check into it. Brennan made no accusations and explicitly stated that he had no evidence against anyone.
Trump has repeatedly drawn a contrast between the intense investigation into possible collusion, for which there is no proof, and the casual attitude toward the admittedly illegal leaking of classified information which has undeniably occurred.
FedUp PAC is a grass roots organization that wants constitutional conservatives to take over the GOP because Americans are fed up with the Republican establishment. It is not affiliated with any candidate or committee.